Rho Betta Gamma Sorority Inc. of SecondLife was founded June 6, 2012 under the name Dame de La Classe. Feeling the need to re-invent, founders Chy Huntress Murcielago (Champagne10 Resident), Indyaa Peralta Flores-Ortiz (Maiyannah Yazimoto), and Melodie Benavente Murcielago (Marion Melodie), changed the name to Viciouz Vixxenz. After a brief hiatus, we came back stronger than ever ready to take on the grid under the new and improved ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc. We represent respect, power, wearing the pants, taking control of our own destinies and being THE BOSS. ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc. stands for GODDESSES OF POWER and we mean that in every inch of the word.
  :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
     Every woman is a GODDESS. Every woman possess the power and strength to control her own destiny. Our sorority is dedicated to finding and harnessing that power in both RL and SL. Reveal your true GODDESS within you and make sure to let the world see you shine. ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc, are dedicated to the betterment and empowerment of women from all walks of life.

         To be a ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA GODDESS, one must be themselves at all times. We are not asking that you pretend to be someone that you are not, we are asking that you reach deep within yourself and find that inspiration to make things happen for yourself. Being a WOMAN means taking care you YOU first. ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc's mission is to join together as a sisterhood and inspire, protect, and guide one another. We believe strongly in self-love, charity, integrity, and most of all, fairness.
ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc. is of  no affiliation, nor are we of any replica to a REAL LIFE GREEK SORORITY,

    The real life sisters of ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc. are advocates and long time donators to several causes that affect all of mankind everyday. Our supported charities include Cerebral Palsy, ChildHelp-USA for abused and neglected children. Love our children, to help stop bullying. The ASPCA for battered, malnourished, and homeless animals, and a local charity for battered and abused women of the Star of Hope Shelter. What makes a woman REAL is her ability to reach out to and identify those that need help. A woman should be a nurturing, giving individual.
    Children and women everywhere have been the main target of abuse throughout the years. For being mostly weak, and helpless at the power of man, there is no one to hear their cry. Being a ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA GODDESS, you are able to spread your power for the greater good and help those in dire need. As a bonus, Founder and Big Sister Let The Truth Be Told holds a special place in her heart for helpless animals everywhere, endangered species and all. Our love knows no limit, our generosity knows no bound

 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::JUST THE FACTS::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
SecondLife Name:
Display Name:
RP Age:
Are you Age Verified?
Are you currently pledging or the are the Big Sister of any Sorority on SecondLife?
How often do you log on?
In what time zone do you reside?
Do you own any businesses on SecondLife? 􀀀
Why have you chosen to pledge ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc.?
What factors can you bring into ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc.?
How would you describe yourself as a person?
Why should we make you a ℜℋO ẞƐƬA GAℳℳA Sorority Inc. pledge and future sister?
Define "SISTERHOOD" in 3 words:
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Q&A PART 2:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
1. If you know of a sister giving out sorority information whether it be events, personal conversations or etc, what would be your first course of action?
2. If you feel a founder is being unreasonable (attitude or decision wise) would it be better to approach them about their actions? or handle it your own way? Why?

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