Saturday, August 17, 2013


Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and FEW there be that find it. ~ Matthew 7:13-14

God is not the author of confusion. This is a day where you have to go to great depths to go to exceptional dimensions in God. It’s time to go to a place where most people in their comfort zone dare not go. This is a season where you need to know that you know with accuracy and precision that what God has said to you in your times of prayer and fasting, and confirmed to you by countless personal experiences will come to pass. The enemy comes to rob you of your vision and purpose just as he did Jesus on the mount. He comes to tell you, “ God did not tell you that, or that vision is false and will never come to pass.” Don’t listen, and certainly do not allow the enemy to silence your voice. Cry aloud and spare not as you are led.

New and profound wisdom, revelation, and knowledge are being released from heaven. The former way of doing things are ENDING and changing. Most people hate newness and change, they hate being wrong, and they would absolutely control every move that you make if you allow them to…because to them, if God did not tell THEM what He clearly told YOU then you are dead wrong and going to hell to burn in fire and brimstone forever for hearing it. That’s not UNCONDITIONAL love. That’s false compassion and remorse.

There is something going on that many people are very well aware of, and some are turning a blind eye to. I can’t tell you the number of pure souls that God is sending to me and others that have had the veil and blinders removed and are awakening to the truth behind all things. They are having strange encounters and experiences. Many of them are upset, not sure who to trust, and a bit confused as to why they have been lied to for so long. They are not backsliden and away from God, bitter or hateful, or in the world ‘sinning’ again as we are taught to believe they are if we don’t see them on Sunday’s. They are going from glory to glory, expanding in love, wisdom, and the knowledge of who they really are. We encourage them to understand that it was necessary for them to have experienced those years, and to never deny the valuable lessons that they have learned that were necessary for their soul growth.

I’m grateful for the leaders and midwives that God has sent me to help birth my vision…and pull me up and out of the grasp of fear, illusion, and falsehood. Trust your intuition/holy spirit because it’s God speaking, He will lead you into all truth, and you can rest assured that He will only lead you on a path that’s for your highest good and the evolution of your soul.

Yours Truly,

Marquieta Williams
Founder & CEO@
Woman KNOW Thyself
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